Recovery is possible.

Our mission was formed out of personal experiences, struggles, setbacks, and successes. We’ve seen firsthand the gaping holes that exist in our society’s current addiction and mental health treatment model. Our vision is to be a safe haven where all have equitable access to the resources and support they need to recover and succeed.

When you are struggling with addiction and/or mental health struggles, often which co-exist, it can often be difficult, if not impossible, to find information on treatment options. From finding information on centers and providers in your area, insurance network, costs, availability, it can all feel overwhelming. We seek to alleviate this hurdle and provide up-to-date information on all treatment options in the local Southern California area. We are not affiliated with any treatment facility or provider, we simply have a comprehensive database and you can contact us 24/7 for help in finding the information you need on treatment options.

Once someone has made the life-changing and brave decision to enter recovery (which looks different for everyone), there are many obstacles that often prevent individuals from finding meaningful employment, housing, ongoing mental health support, and additional necessary services and supports to re-enter their communities. We strive to provide many of these services in order to help all who want to thrive.